The challenge for the design contest is to select excellent logo design reflecting the mission of ZOO Wrocław and the ZOO Wrocław DODO Foundation .
By spreading knowledge about endangered species, we teach pro-ecological attitudes, sustainable consumption and understanding of nature. Also endangered species in Poland! The purpose of the contest is to find a logotype which is a graphic emblem expressing all these activities and our values.
Thanks to the cooperation with AMS SA (our sponsor), posters with the winning design will appear on 50 billboards in large cities in Poland. You can submit your works by June 6th
Patners: Artnova Foundation, Akademia Sztuk Pięknych im. Eugeniusza Gepperta we Wrocławiu, Uniwersytet SWPS, Stowarzyszenie Twórców Grafiki Użytkowej (STGU), Fundacja Art Transparent, Związek Polskich Artystów Plastyków ZG, Wroclaw President
Details of the competition and regulations